Welcome! Our intention is to present materials for discussion and/or exchange of ideas as a mean of a better understanding of the English language. It by no means substitutes the work done in classroom, nor affects your grade, and it is absolutely optional.The idea of the blog emerges from the request of some inquiring mind students whose expectations from the regular course have not been fulfilled for any particular reason as, having a high English level, a strong determination to improve it, simply for further practice, or all of the above.Whatever your reason may be for having read so far I thank you very much and hope you feel wellcome and above all I wish you the greatest success!!!

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

Choice and Arrangement of Words for Achieving Emphasis

Choice and Arrangement of Words for Achieving Emphasis

The simplest way to emphasize something is to tell readers directly that what follows is important by using such words and phrases as especially, particularly, crucially, most importantly, and above all.
Emphasis by repetition of key words can be especially effective in a series, as in the following example:

"See your good times come to color in minutes: pictures protected by an elegant finish, pictures you can take with an instant flash, pictures that can be made into beautiful enlargements."

When a pattern is established through repetition and then broken, the varied part will be emphasized, as in the following example:

"Murtz Rent-a-car is first in reliability, first in service,
and last in customer complaints."

Besides disrupting an expectation set up by the context, you can also emphasize part of a sentence by departing from the basic structural patterns of the language. The inversion of the standard subject-verb-object pattern in the first sentence below into an object-subject-verb pattern in the second places emphasis on the out-of-sequence term, fifty dollars.
"I'd make fifty dollars in just two hours on a busy night at the restaurant."

"Fifty dollars I'd make in just two hours on a busy night at the restaurant."

The initial and terminal positions of sentences are inherently more emphatic than the middle segment. Likewise, the main clause of a complex sentence receives more emphasis than subordinate clauses. Therefore, you should put words that you wish to emphasize near the beginnings and endings of sentences and should never bury important elements in subordinate clauses.
Consider the following examples:

"No one can deny that the computer has had a great effect upon the business world."

"Undeniably, the effect of the computer upon the business world has been great."

In the first version of this sentence, "No one can deny" and "on the business world" are in the most emphasized positions. In addition, the writer has embedded the most important ideas in a subordinate clause: "that the computer has had a great effect." The edited version places the most important ideas in the main clause and in the initial and terminal slots of the sentence, creating a more engaging prose style.
