Welcome! Our intention is to present materials for discussion and/or exchange of ideas as a mean of a better understanding of the English language. It by no means substitutes the work done in classroom, nor affects your grade, and it is absolutely optional.The idea of the blog emerges from the request of some inquiring mind students whose expectations from the regular course have not been fulfilled for any particular reason as, having a high English level, a strong determination to improve it, simply for further practice, or all of the above.Whatever your reason may be for having read so far I thank you very much and hope you feel wellcome and above all I wish you the greatest success!!!

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Seafood Safety and Trade

Issue: The safety of seafood trade is increasingly important
to the United States for several reasons. U.S. per capita
fish consumption has increased over 50 percent since 1980.
More than three-fourths of total U.S. fish consumption
comes from imports. Although there is no evidence that
imported food is necessarily riskier, a number of the countries
exporting seafood to the U.S. have poorer internal
control systems and/or are in tropical areas where toxin and
bacteria hazards are higher. Seafood safety and trade issues
are complex due to the diversity of harvest methods, production
areas, markets, and seafood species involved.

Issues in Diet, Safety, and Health / Agriculture Information Bulletin Number 789-7 February 2004